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HEI-XY-MSS SG02301201 HEI Scope XY Manual Stage for HEI Track Stands and Post Stands

List price: $212.30
You save: $82.30 (39%)

HEI-XY-MSS SG02301201 HEI Scope XY Manual Stage for HEI Track Stands and Post Stands

Fits HEI Track Stands and Post Stands or without a Stand

XY Travel Distance 75mm x 56mm

Stage Dimensions (L x W x H) 180x155x27mm

Glass Size: 116mm x 96mm

Active Area: Ø37.6mm

The adaptor to fit the Stand Base Ø95mm

Vernier controls for X and Y movement

5 year warranty!

Vendors :

Manual Stage Instructions (Manual_Stage_Instruction_Manual.pdf, 216 Kb) [Download]